Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Can We Freeze Ballistic Plates?

Wearing ballistic plates is of course a different feel than not wearing at all. If this is your first time to wear such protective gear, the feeling is awkward and distracting at first especially when your carrier is inserted with ballistic plates.

Ballistic plates are cumbersome hence it augments the heat in your body especially during the summer. As we all know heat can make us perspire a lot making us jittery all day. Good for places that are colder because it will bring them warmth than heat. For tropical areas, a lot of people are asking how to make it cool?

People have different ways of cooling their ballistic plates. They said that soldiers freeze them prior to putting on the gear. For a short term or temporary relief, this could help however for long term basis may cause more damage than help.

The constant cooling by freezing and thawing of your plates over long period of time will degrade plate adhesives. I did not say that freezing can’t help you, it does but doing it repeatedly causes catastrophic failure that can put peril not only to the plates but to your life as well.

Consistently doing it will create a problem between the spall cover and the internal plate components. Most importantly, the backing material and the ceramic tile may separate or the materials will be debonded within the plates.

Keeping cool in the desert is vital to be able to continue working while wearing your interceptor body armor with ballistic plates. If you’re hot, find ways to make yourself cool and fresh but never, and I mean never freeze your NIJ body armor.

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