Thursday, February 2, 2012

SAPI Ballistic Plates – Advance Armor

What are SAPI ballistic plates?
SAPI (Small Arms Protective Inserts) ballistic plates are made from the latest composite materials consists of ballistic nylon spall cover, ceramic tiles, boron carbide, Kevlar or Spectra and other reinforced plastic material.

How do SAPI ballistic plates work?

Once the bullet hits the vest, the ceramic fractures the core of the projectile. The energy of the impact is absorbed by the tiles or ballistic plates and the residual energy is absorbed by the backing. The backing materials are determined by ballistic, structural and weight requirements. Examples are Kevlar composites, fiberglass, Spectra and aluminum.

For rifle and some armor piercing rounds, manufacturers have made innovations and uses advance armor ballistic plates using ultra-light weight Spectra shield with ceramics. It only weighs about four pounds. These plates are inserted into the pockets of your ballistic vest.

How are SAPI ballistic plates made?

Layers of ceramic are bonded together to a hard panel made of multiple layers of Spectra shield. After which, these layers are then wrapped with a special kind of fabric covering.

SAPI ballistic plates are designed to stop rounds of 7.62mm and AK-47. As the bullet hits the plates, the hard ceramic inserted in the pockets of the vest will then break up the bullet while the spectra shield will absorbed the energy of the penetration. The bullets continue to break into pieces while the spectra extract the energy of the impact and decelerating the speed at the same time catching the fragments of the projectile. With this process, the possible blunt force trauma that the wearer is supposed to experience is substantially reduced.

That is how simple the process goes in resisting bullet penetration and hampering major effects or injuries caused by the strong impact of the projectile. Ergo, if you want rigid protection, get yourself ballistic armor plates today.

1 comment:

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